Transcript: Professional Development Presentation EDUC 630
1. Hello. My name is Traci Best. This is my Professional Development presentation for EDUC 630 at Liberty University.
2. Why is PD important, and why should you join a professional organization?
a. Educational development & continuing education is necessary for certifications and other required credentials
b. Awareness of the newest research and development in your field.
c. Vehicle to demonstrate your developing skills, to make new professional connections, and pave the way for future job advancement. (Frederiksen, 2016)
3. International
Society for Technology in Education ( is a professional association
for educators.
Home to a passionate community of global
educators who believe in the power of technology to transform teaching and
learning, accelerate innovation and solve tough problems in education.
ISTE inspires the creation of solutions
and connections that improve opportunities for all learners by delivering:
practical guidance, evidence-based professional learning, virtual networks,
thought-provoking events and the ISTE Standards.
(, 2021)
ISTE Publishing – Books
ISTE publishes
books by teachers for teachers to help each other put themselves
at the forefront of knowledge and best practices in educational technology. (,
This is an example of a
book I purchased recently to add to my professional toolbox for special
learners who struggle to connect with subject content in meaningful ways.
(Carter, 2019)
Publishing – Peer Reviewed Journals
“The Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE) publishes articles that report on original research, project descriptions/evaluations, syntheses of the literature, assessments of the state of the art, and theoretical or conceptual positions that relate to the field of educational technology in teaching and learning and inform P-16 school-based practice” (, 2021).
5. “The ISTE Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education (JDLTE) is a refereed journal published in partnership with the ISTE Professional Learning Network for Teacher Educators. JDLTE provides access to the growing body of research addressing the use of digital technologies in teacher education. Articles highlight contemporary trends and effective, creative and innovative uses of digital technologies that prepare preservice, in-service and teacher educators for teaching in technology-rich learning environments. JDLTE digital issues are published quarterly (, 2021)”.
6. ISTE Publishing Blog utilizes a YouTube channel to deliver ideas, content & resources for leading-edge educators every month, deliverable by monthly round-up email or simply by subscribing to the ISTE channel. (, 2021)
7. ISTE – EdTech Conference 2020 was November 28th – December 1st, 2020 in Anaheim, California. There were thirteen speakers this year presenting a wide variety of topics. I’d like to share with you a couple talks that interest me:
9. Dr. Desiree Alexander of Educator Alexander Consulting, LLC presented Digital Equity and the Innovation Inequity Paradox: Unintended Consequences and Future Planning.
10. Sophia Mendoza of Los
Angeles Unified School District is presenting Leading with Equity and the
ISTE Education Lead Standards for educators, pre-k through 12.
“Explore how PK-12 instructional leaders leverage the ISTE Standards
for Education Leaders with the lens of equity and citizenship advocacy to
ensure that all students of color have skilled educators who strategically use
technology to meet student learning needs.”
“Technology can fuel innovation, foster creativity and create engaging learning environments. At its worst, though, poor educational technology and instruction can punish our poorest and most vulnerable students. Explore the relationship between innovation and inequity and examine inequity challenges that are arising amid ongoing innovation. (, 2021)
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